Late Lower paleolithic in Israel

Qesem Cave (AYCC), Revadim, Jaljulia (Acheulean) Site excavation director: A.Gopher, R.Barkai, Department of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University TAU LTFAPA project Chipped stone tools use-wear and residues analysis funded by MAECI and…


Venosa Basin, Italy Site excavation director: M.H. Moncel, UMR 7194 HNHP (MNHN-CNRS-UPVD), Département Homme et Environnement, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle LTFAPA project: use-wear and residues analyses of chipped stone tools The…

Homa Peninsula

Lower Paleolithic, Oldowan sites, Kenya Sites excavation director: T.W.Plummer, Queens College, CUNY & NYCEP, NY, USA. LTFAPA project: use-wear and residues analyses of…

Residues and textiles

Residues Analysis Lemorini C., Nunziante Cesaro S. (eds.), (2014), An integration of use-wear and residues analysis for the identification of the function of archaeological stone tools, BAR (I.S.), Oxford, pp. 63-76. doi: http//:10.30861/9781407312880 Nucara…