Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Chalcolithic-Bronze Age, Turkey Site excavation director: prof. F.Balossi-Restelli, Sapienza University of Rome Chipped stone tools and macro-lithic tools use-wear and residues analyses Moreover, LTFAPA is dealing also with the technological and functional study with traces analysis of the macro-lithic tools of the Arslantepe sequence, from Late Chalcolithic to Hittites Age. A PhD project (A.De Angelis […]

La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Lower Paleolitich site, Italy) Chipped stone tools use-wear analysis References Santucci E., Marano F., Cerilli E., Fiore I., Lemorini C.,  Palombo M.R., Anzidei A.P.,  Bulgarelli G.M., (2016), Palaeoloxodon exploitation in the late Middle Pleistocene site of Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy), Quaternary International 406, pp. 169-182, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.042. Lemorini, C.; Santucci, E.; Caricola, I.; […]

Chalcolithic-Bronze Age, Turkey Site excavation director: prof. F.Balossi-Restelli, Sapienza University of Rome Chipped stone tools and macro-lithic tools use-wear and residues analyses Moreover, LTFAPA is dealing also with the technological and functional study with traces analysis of the macro-lithic tools of the Arslantepe sequence, from Late Chalcolithic to Hittites Age. A PhD project (A.De Angelis […]

La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Lower Paleolitich site, Italy) Chipped stone tools use-wear analysis References Santucci E., Marano F., Cerilli E., Fiore I., Lemorini C.,  Palombo M.R., Anzidei A.P.,  Bulgarelli G.M., (2016), Palaeoloxodon exploitation in the late Middle Pleistocene site of Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy), Quaternary International 406, pp. 169-182, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.042. Lemorini, C.; Santucci, E.; Caricola, I.; […]